Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014

Hey everyone,
If you are confused why I didn't write you all on Monday, look at the pictures and it will explain everything. First picture is with my companion, Elder Lloyd, and the second one is with my fellow cache valleyite Elder Lunds. Sorry if it looks like I am crying or grimacing, it was super smoggy when we got done with our session and just hurt to smile.
That is so cool that you ladies had a girls night out and saw Les Mis. I agree with you caption: you all are a good looking bunch. I cannot believe how much Amanda has grown, I think she will be taller than everyone in that picture. Pretty jealous of you all, but glad you had the opportunity to go.
Sounds like you guys did have a pretty busy week. I can agree with you that the week did fly by crazily fast. We did exchanges with Elder Lund this past week, and I think that made the week just fly by. Then this week we went to the temple today, then have zone conference on Saturday. So this week will also just fly by, leaving only 2 weeks left in the transfer which is also very crazy. But hey that is the mission life I guess, lose yourself in the work and let the Lord guide you in His work.
So nothing too much happened this week. We picked up 2 new investigators that are completely opposite in personality and interest level. The first one is named Humberto, and no lie, he literally has a testimony that the Catholic Church is the one and only true church. He has talked with missionaries before, about 8 months ago, and has received almost all of the lessons and come to church twice. He has not, however, read the Book of Mormon and has not directly ask if it is true. However when we passed by him, he explained how he felt uncomfortable and nothing when he attended our church the two times, but felt extremely happy when he attended His church. So therefore he has a "testimony" that the Catholic church is true. I am not sure how much longer we will hold onto him, but we will see.
The other investigator we found was an old referral never contacted named Maria. Her son was baptized into an english ward, and she has really seen the blessings that come from the changes he has made. So she accepted to take the lessons, and learn about the changes he has made. Well we shared the first lesson about the restoration, and when we went back she explained how she had shared the same message with her family and her co-workers only because it was something new. Prepared? I think so :) So we followed up with her reading in the Book of Mormon, and (Wait for it........) she accepted a baptismal date for May 4th!! Also she later expressed that she would like her whole family to be involved in the next lesson tomorrownight. So ya comlete opposite for Humberto, and super prepared.
So ya that was most of the highlights of our week. So far this week is looking pretty good. We have several lessons set up with old formers, and a few potentials we have found. The Lord is truly leading us in His work in our area. I know that this is His work, and it is an eternal work. It was actually really cool because when we got to the temple today, a temple worker mentioned to me how unique experience I have to do missionary work both on this side of the veil, and the other side. Think about it: How often can you say that you are doing missionary work on both sides of the veil? Just goes to show that God loves everyone of His children, and how great of work He is doing to "Bring to past the immortality and eternal life of man."
Thank you so much for you love and support. I know this is the true church of Jesus Christ. (By the way if you havent' read Elder Calister's CES Devotional talk, I would highly recommend it). It is the only church established on Apostles, Prophets, and priesthood authority. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father, and His love to put these things on the Earth for us to partake of. It is true, and I love it.
Elder Roberts

So I forgot to update you guys on something. You remember la familia Berriel in my last area. Well I get a call from our zone leaders tuesday night with some very exciting news: La Familia Berriel will be baptized on April 27th!!! Plus, in our mission we have a rule that if a person/family get baptized the transfer after you get transferred, you get to go to the service. So ya on April 27th my companion and I will be taking a little road trip back to Whittier for their BAPTISM!!!
So ya I am a little excited for them, and am praying for them every day. They are such a great family and have already seen the blessings from the Gospel in their lives.
Sorry for the short email, just thought that you would be interested. Que tenga una buena semana, que Dios le bendigas.

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