Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014

Que Tal?

Well happy Monday and happy P-Day! This week really flew by like past weeks. Our week was full of service opportunities, finding opportunities, and fun activities. We have definitely been busy working and the Lord is definitely blessing us for all the efforts we are putting forth.

So to answer Mom's question about running. There is another Spanish companionship who live around the block from us. So Elder Packer and I usually run to their apartment to meet them, and then we run to a park. At the park there is one of those exercising park (Like the ones at USU with the pull-up, push-up bars, and things to help you stretch). So Elder Packer and Elder Petersen usually stop and stretch while Elder Passey and I keep running laps until the other Elders are ready to leave. I was so excited to get back into running this transfer that I got into trouble. So Elder Passey also ran XC and Track in high school, so that first day of running we took off at a faster pace than the other Elders. Well I forgot we have to stay in sight of our companions and got chastised by our ZL's. So we switched to the current route we have now. Hahahaha :P

So I got confused with the update on Manuel. He didn't get the notice from the doctor to his manager to stay in his apartment due to his injuries. Mostly because Manuel informed his manager that he would start receiving his disability check to pay for his rent, he just didn't know when it would come. Well it doesn't come for another week or so, so his manager told him to pay what he owes or he has to move out. His deadline was today and we haven't been able to contact Manuel to see if he was able to pay it. Hopefully we can find him at home tonight and find out what is going to happen.

So this week we had a really good week of finding. We found 2 new investigators to start teaching, one is a part member family. Se llama la familia Pinillos, and the mom, Nelly, was baptized a while ago back in Peru with her family. But when she moved to the United States she married a non-member and fell away from the church. Well she started having some struggles with her husband and with the church they were attending. Then she started meeting LDS members and later saw the English Elders walking in front of her house. So she stopped them and asked them to help her get back to church. So they contacted us and we contacted Nelly.

She has 3 kids, Michael (11), Valeria (5) and Celestial (3). Michael hasn't been baptized and his mom would like him, and her children, to learn about the church. So we invited them to come to church and they absolutely loved it. The kids loved Primary and Nelly immediately started meeting members. Later that day there was a baptismal service and they came to it. Not only came, but Michael bore his testimony! His first day learning about the church and he is bearing his testimony that is awesome. Think that is cool? Oh just wait it gets better. Our ward planned to go to the Visitor Center and the L.A Temple and la familia Pinillos went with them. It was cool to see how excited they are to become active in the Church. They are such a bomb family!

So ya that was the highlight of the week. The Lord is definitely blessing us with success and we are super excited for this week. We are really going to work hard with the investigators we have and help them come closer to our Heavenly Father and Christ.


Elder Roberts

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