Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 17, 2014

Hey you guys!!

Well I am sure you already know what I am going to say.... This week went by super fast as always. How do I describe this this.... Hot, full of service, missionary unity, and the crushing of weekly goals. Ya that should be a good enough description. Have a good week :P

Haha jk I better write more so Mom doesn't get mad at me. First off thanks for all the support you have given me the past month. For your patience in sending me package after package, and transferring money
over to my account to replace stuff. I did find a new running watch at wal-mart. It is the same brand as the one I had, it is a little bit bigger which if fine. I should receive my other package this week. Thank you for helping me out with this stuff.

Thanks for the update, and pictures, of the Ogden temple. I agree with you it did seem like it took a while to build. But it looks awesome! Definitely have to put it on the list of temples to visit in the near future. You guys look super happy and well in the fotos, thanks for sending them :)

So a couple highlights of this week. First off with the humorous: Missionary Unity. All the Spanish Elders decided that we needed to improve our Spanish. So we bought some habaneros at Wal-Mart and after District Meeting on Thursday we all at a habanero. Let's just say there was alot of sweating, crying and consumption of milk and bread. It was super fun; I don't know if it improved our spanish, but it definitely improved our unity. I forgot to bring my camera today, plus the Elder took a video instead of pictures. So you will have to wait to see what happened :)

So this week we really wanted to help Michael understand the Restoration as well as the importance of baptism. Well we accomplished both of those goals and committed Michael to baptism for the 24 of this month. To be honest though we will probably move it back a week to the 31 because we still have several lessons to teach and we want to include more members in our lessons. But we are hoping to help him be baptized before the end of the transfer. He is such an awesome kid and is super excited to keep progressing in the Gospel.

One thing that also stuck out to me is that our Heavenly Father always provides for us. We have set, as a companionship, a goal of 2 new investigators a week. Well for this week we got to Saturday and hadn't
found anyone for the week. We had been working hard and talking with everyone, but just not having any success. Well Sunday night rolls around we we head out to work hoping to find those two new investigators. We had a lesson set up with an investigator at 6 and when we showed up his roommate was there and we asked if he wanted to listen as well. He accepted and we found one new investigator. Then we had a rough lesson set up with a referral at 7 and we weren't completely sure if it would go through. But we showed up and she was there and we taught her as well. So by the end of the night we had found 2 new investigators.

It taught me two principles: Diligence and patience. Diligence because we easily could have slacked off and strive to improve next week. But instead we got out and worked hard and because of so, we found new
people to teach. And patience because God will provide in His own time. Two basic principles, yet powerful.

So ya that was our week. This week we already have super solid plans to help Michael prepare for baptism, and to commit our other investigators to take the same step of faith. It should be a good, busy week.

Love you all. Have a good week!

Elder Roberts

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