Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

Happy P-Day!

And here we are again starting a new week here in sunny California. By the way can you please share some of your rain with us? It has been pretty toasty here in Cerritos, California and is only going to go up this week. What say ye? Haha

Sounds like everything went pretty smooth in Bridget's transition to college life. There is no doubt in my mind that she will have a good time. I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw that she has roommates who like Dr. Who, I guess we know what she will be doing every weekend right? ;) I know her pain about church starting at 9, I had the same schedule at USU my first year. Are her roommates also members? I always found it easier to go to church when there was someone to go with. Either way I bet she will love her YSA ward. It will be fun to hear about her adventures this first year.

So what is the plan for you and dad as new empty nesters? I guess you still have your Spanish class going on still right? Now you and Dad can practice together ;P I bet you guys will find enough activities to do.

Thanks for the pictures, they should work out perfectly. Mission success! Thanks!

Well this week was full of service opportunities, and a lot of eye opening experiences. First off we dropped our baptism date with Michael because we have been teaching to fast and he hasn't been understanding what we have shared. Plus his mom told us that right now Michael wants to be baptized out of emotion and not for desire. So we decided we were going to go back and re-teach everything a little bit slower and really make sure he understands everything and gains a testimony about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. So that is the plan for him. It doesn't look like we will get it done this transfer, but we are hoping to do it next transfer.

To be completely honest that was the highlight of the week. We had a lot of service opportunities and that took up quite a bit of our proselyting time. This week is already looking chucked full of activities. But we are hoping to use every possible minute available to find new people to teach and help our investigators progress. We are really going to have to practice our diligence, time management, and effectiveness skills this week. I will be completely honest as well, this week is going to fly by.

Thanks for the emails. Have a good week. Siga trabajando con el Espanol, ya esta mejorando.

Elder Roberts

I remembered my Camera this week. So here are the pictures from our Habanero Challenge two weeks ago. Like I said in my last email I took a video and it is too big to send in an email. So I hope you enjoy the pictures and remain excited for the video.

Les quiero mucho.

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